Charles Fillmore

Idea: The Power and Example of Jesus Christ

Idea: The Power and Example of Jesus Christ

One of Charles’s favorite scriptures comes from the Gospel of John: “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do …” (John 14:12). It is from this scripture that Charles’s affirmed the idea that Jesus Christ was an example of and not an exception to God’s divine man. Jesus Christ was the Way Shower who “came to awaken man to the possibilities of his own nature.”

Charles distinguished between Jesus, the man, and Christ, the pattern of perfection that results from being an expression of God: “The attainment of the Christ consciousness calls for nothing less on our part than a definite recognition of ourselves as sons of God right here and now, regardless of appearances to the contrary.” Every time one says the name “Jesus Christ,” Charles believed that there is an immediate connection to God.


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