Charles Fillmore

Idea: Renewing the Mind

Charles Fillmore explains how affirmations and denials tie into the power of the mind in this sermon.

Idea: Renewing the Mind

“All things have their cause, and every cause is mental.” Charles was intrigued by and spoke many times about Paul’s letter to the Romans: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). Although we see what appears to be evil in the world, spiritual transformation requires everyone to stay focused on the Divine and the power of God within. “By affirming Truth we are lifted out of false thinking into the consciousness of Spirit.”

Because “thoughts are controlled by the mind through its power to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’,” Charles asserted that each person has the choice of what to keep in their minds. “One of the laws of mind is that man becomes like that with which he identifies himself.” If our desire is to have good in our lives, we must keep good thoughts and ideas in our minds. 

Charles cautioned that renewing the mind takes practice. “(Transformation) does not come in a day, but every high impulse, every pure thought, every upward desire adds to the exaltation and gradual personification of the divine in man and to the transformation of the human.”


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