Charles Fillmore

Mission: Publishing

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Charles Fillmore reading a copy of Unity in 1947.

Mission: Publishing

April 1889 is noted as the beginning of the Unity movement as it was the publication of the first magazine, Modern Thought, “devoted to the spiritualization of humanity from an independent standpoint.” Four years later, at the insistence of Myrtle Fillmore, a children’s magazine was created titled Wee Wisdom, which was published for 98 years. Soon other groups were identified, and magazines were created specifically for them: teenagers, people in business, people who wanted daily inspiration, and those in Spanish-speaking communities.

At one point in the 1920s, Unity published six magazines each month. This did not include the books, booklets, pamphlets, brochures, and affirmation cards that were mailed frequently. Unity was an impressive publishing house. Each part of publishing was accomplished by people working and volunteering for Unity: writers, editors, typesetters, printers, and cutters. Myrtle and Charles’s sons (Lowell, Rickert, and Royal) were often found on weekends and during the summers folding magazines and preparing them to be mailed.

Wee Wisdom, Vol. XIV, No. 6, January 1909 With Myrtle Fillmore Edits


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