Charles Fillmore

Charles’s Practice: Silence

Charles Fillmore discusses the art of going into the silence in this sermon.

Charles’s Practice: Silence

Charles credits his journey from cynical realtor to avid Truth-seeker to spending time in silence every day. “All power has its birth in the silence. There is no exception to this rule in all the evidence of life.”

Charles believed that the “mind is the common meeting ground between God and man …” As such the only way he believed one could be in alignment with the spiritual world was connecting with the Divine through meditation in silence. He was reported to sit in silence three or four hours each day, and he encouraged all his students and readers to follow this practice for at least 15 minutes a day.

“The mind of each individual may be consciously unified with Divine Mind through the indwelling Christ. By affirming at-one-ment with God-Mind, we eventually realize the perfect mind which was in Christ Jesus.”


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