Charles Fillmore

Idea: Twelve Powers

Charles Fillmore teaches about the twelve powers of man in this sermon.

Idea: Twelve Powers

Twelve is an important and powerful number that we find in many scriptures. It represents spiritual completion. Using the Hindu chakra system and the Bible as guides, Charles revealed “twelve great centers of action” within each person, which he identified by both physical location in the body and disciple of Jesus. 

For instance, the power of imagination is the ability to picture ideas. The disciple Bartholomew represents imagination because Jesus was able to see him even though Bartholomew was behind a tree. The power of imagination is in tissues between the eyes that “extend back into the brain and connect with an imaging or picture-making function near the root of the optic nerve.” Similar representations were made with John, the power of love and the heart, and with Peter, the power of faith and the center of the brain. 

Charles identified the other nine powers (strength, power, judgment, understanding, will, zeal, renunciation, life, and order) in a similar manner, by disciple and physiological location. He did admit, however, that not all the pairings worked well. Similarly, Charles recognized that each person has even more powers within them. “The real issue is the development of the powers of the soul. It is the bringing forth of the real man, through the Law of the Lord Jesus Christ.”


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