The Life and Legacy of Myrtle Fillmore

The Birth of Silent Unity

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Charles and Myrtle leading a Silent Unity healing meeting.

The Birth of Silent Unity

In 1890, the Society of Silent Help (later called Silent Unity®) was established. Its purpose was to help people realize the presence of God within them. While the Fillmores continued their mental healing practice in Kansas City, they recognized that healing and prayer work were not limited to in-person practice. They announced in their periodicals that prayer support was available to people outside the Kansas City area through letter and later telephone. 

Initially staffed only by Myrtle and Charles, the prayer ministry experienced such high demand that others were trained to respond. In 1906, eight Silent Unity prayer workers handled more than 100 letters each day. As the prayer ministry became better known and technology advanced, the work of eight became work for more than 300 a century later. Silent Unity now answers 1.3 million requests for prayer each year, submitted by letter, telephone, and the internet.

Charles and Myrtle Fillmore Leading Silent Unity Healing Meeting Photograph, 1929


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