Charles Fillmore

Charles Sees the “Light”

Charles Fillmore, age 32.

Charles Sees the “Light”

The “Light,” the awareness that the omnipresence of God makes each person divine, came easily to Myrtle Fillmore. Not so with Charles. “Although I was a chronic invalid and seldom free from pain, the doctrine did not at first appeal to me,” he wrote. However, as Charles watched Myrtle and others overcome their afflictions, he became curious. His studies were varied and sometimes contradictory, so he decided: “In this babel, I will go to headquarters,” sitting in the silence for hours at a time. 

Over time his body responded to prayer and meditation. His awareness became clear: “My chronic pains ceased. My hip healed and grew stronger.” “By silently affirming my unity with the infinite energy of the one true God, I gained renewed youthfulness and power.” His focus began to shift: “My interest became so pronounced that I neglected my real estate for the furtherance of what my commercial friends pronounced a fanatical delusion.” That so-called delusion became the successful Unity movement.


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