The Life and Legacy of Myrtle Fillmore

A Beginning, Not an End

This book reflects on the life and legacy of Myrtle Fillmore after her transition.

A Beginning, Not an End

A few weeks before her passing, Myrtle told several people that she had accomplished everything she could on this life plane, and it was time to go. She made her transition on October 6, 1931, at the age of 86, but her work carried on. “Mrs. Fillmore’s all-embracing love and devotion to this work can never leave us, and her presence abides as a living force.” Her life and teachings “inspired faith and courage, and understanding, in the lives of millions,” and continue to inspire many others today.

The Fillmores had become well-known in Kansas City and her death was publicly mourned. An editorial column in The Kansas Citian magazine recognized the major contributions Myrtle had made to humankind: “Nothing is more beautiful in retrospect than an unselfish life earnest in its devotion to the cause of suffering humanity and the general betterment of mankind—a life that knows no death because of the wealth of tender memories that will be forever cherished in the hearts of the beneficiaries thereof. Such a life was that of Mrs. Myrtle Page Fillmore.”


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